Terms of Reference
The purpose of this regional sub-commission is to provide international focus and
cooperation for issues involving the horizontal, vertical, and three-dimensional
geodetic control networks of North America, including Central America, the Caribbean
and Greenland (Denmark). Some of these issues include:
- Densification of the ITRF reference frame network in North
America and promotion of its use
- Maintenance and future evolution of vertical datums (ellipsoidal
and orthometric), including NAVD88 and the International Great
Lakes Datum
- Collocation of different measurement techniques such as VLBI, SLR,
DORIS, GPS, etc.
- Effects of crustal motion, including tectonic motions along, e.g.,
the western coast of N.A. and in the Caribbean, and post-glacial
- Standards for the accuracy of geodetic positions
- Outreach to the general public through focused symposia, articles,
workshops and lectures and technology transfer to other groups,
particularly in N.A.
The membership of this regional sub-commission shall consist of:
- One representative from each country within North American and the Caribbean
- Chairpersons of each working group (WG) in this regional sub-commission
- Sub-Commission 1.3 national representatives from countries covered by this
regional sub-commission will be de facto members
The regional sub-commission will create working groups (WG) as necessary to address
specific issues. The terms of reference and Chairperson of each WG will be established
by the regional sub-commission. The Chairperson of each WG will recruit further members
as required.
Michael Craymer (CGS/NRCan, Canada) -- Co-Chair
Dan Roman (NGS/NOAA, USA) -- Co-Chair
Finn Bo Madsen (DTU, Denmark)
Working Groups
Last revised: 2021-03-03
Web Site Contact: Michael Craymer