Reference Frame Transformations in North America
Working Group
The purpose of this working group is to determine consistent relationships
between international, regional and national reference frames/datums in North
America, to maintain (update) these relationships as needed and to provide tools
for implementing these relationships.
ITRF-NAD83 Transformation
ITRF Transfromations & IERS Convensions
IGS Reference Frame Transformations
Transformation Software
TRX is an online coordinate transformation tool from the Canadian Geodetic Survey that
combines and replaces GSRUG and TRNOBS. The tool allows for transformation between
NAD83 (CSRS) and ITRF realizations as well as transformations between geographic,
cartesian and local projections systems (UTM, MTM, custom projections and stereographic).
A Windows desktop version is also available.
- HTDP (Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning)
Software from the US National Geodetic Survey that,
among other things, can be used to transform between NAD83 and ITRF.
Last revised: 2021-03-03
Web Site Contact: Michael Craymer