The coordinate definition file (BLKCORD) is used to define
- Fixed and approximate coordinates
- Unique station number
- Station name
- Latitude, Longitude, Orthometric height
- Cartesian X, Y, Z
- Constrained Latitude, longitude and orthometric height
- Astromonic coordinate observations
- Unique station number
- Latitude, Longitude
- Geoid ellipsoid defintion
- Unique station number
- Meridian, prime vertical, and geoid height components
- Auxiliary parameter definition
- Unique identification
- Unique Auxiliary parameter name
- Auxiliary parameter type
- Optional initial value
4 629009 LASH 64 3 52.70400 106 31 11.96400 540.000
4 629008 JADE 63 59 18.91099 106 19 .70117 550.000
4 629007 INDIA 63 59 1.58620 106 33 21.51552 650.000
4 629005 GATE 63 53 49.31804 106 23 56.37197 530.000
4 629006 HOPE 63 55 13.06801 106 45 1.25770 430.000
4 629003 EMBER 63 47 13.35853 106 42 40.09976 540.000
4 629004 SIFTON 63 45 25.02235 106 22 56.58856 440.000
4 629022 HANBURY 63 35 4.82998 106 22 12.96829 550.000
4 629023 FUNNEL 63 36 40.00494 106 34 52.34573 460.000
4 629024 CRITCHELL 63 29 35.29322 107 06 18.52198 550.000
4 629021 MARY 63 18 43.44249 106 27 38.33798 550.000
7AST629003 EMBER 63 47 26.72982 106 42 43.30000
9 629009 LASH 0.00001 11.97167 6.0
9 629008 JADE 0.00010 0.70323 6.0
9 629007 INDIA 1.59369 21.51695 6.0
9 629005 GATE 49.32758 56.36833 6.0
9 629006 HOPE 13.07454 1.25373 6.0
9 629003 EMBER 13.36491 40.09077 6.0
9 629004 SIFTON 25.03197 56.57602 6.0
9 629022 HANBURY 4.84011 12.94787 6.0
9 629023 FUNNEL 40.01303 52.32661 6.0
9 629024 CRITCHELL 35.29401 18.50068 6.0
9 629021 MARY 43.45239 38.29745 6.0
94DISGEODSCAL Geodimeter scpr 0.5 <-- optional initial value
Sample geographic coordinate record
4 629009 LASH 64 3 52.70400 106 31 11.96400 540.000
- Column 3 -- Code used to identify the record type
- Column 7-15 -- Number: unique string used to identify the station
- Column 16-29 -- Name: Additional identification
- Indicator +/- N/S Positive North default north Column 40
- Latitude degrees (90) Column 41-42
- Latitude minutes (60) Column 43-45
- Latitude seconds (60.0) Column 46-54
- Indicator +/- E/W Positive West default west Column 55
- Longitude degrees (360) Column 56-58
- Longitude minutes (60) Column 59-61
- Longitude seconds (60.0) Column 62-70
- Orthometric height (-1000.0 30000.0) Column 71-79
Sample Astronomic coordinate record
7AST629003 EMBER 63 47 26.72982 106 42 43.3000
- Code used to identify the record type Column 3
- Number - unique string used to identify the station Column 7-15
- Name - Additional identification Column 16-29
- Indicator +/- N/S Positive North default north Column 40
- Latitude degrees (90) Column 41-42
- Latitude minutes (60) Column 43-45
- Latitude seconds (60.0) Column 46-54
- Indicator +/- E/W Positive West default west Column 55
- Longitude degrees (360) Column 56-58
- Longitude minutes (60) Column 59-61
- Longitude seconds (60.0) Column 62-70
- Orthometric height (-1000.0 30000.0) Column 71-80
9 629003 EMBER 13.36491 40.09077 6.0
- Code - used to identify the record type Column 3
- Number - unique string used to identify the station Column 7-15
- Name - Additional identification Column 16-29
- Deflection Indicator +/- N/S Positive North default north Column 40
- Meridian degrees (90) Column 41-42
- Meridian minutes (60) Column 43-45
- Meridian seconds (60.0) Column 46-54
- Deflection Indicator +/- E/W Positive East default east Column 55
- Prime vertical degrees (360) Column 56-58
- Prime vertical minutes (60) Column 59-61
- Prime vertical seconds (60.0) Column 62-70
- Geoid-ellipsoid separation Column 71-80
Sample auxiliary parameter identification record
94DIS geodscal geodimeter PR 0.5
- Code used to identify the record type Column 2-3
- Type - used to identify the type of observation
- Unique identifier Column 7-15
- Additional identifier Column 16-29
- Auxiliary parameter type - used to identify a type of auxiliary parameter Column 32-35
- Initial value - optional value used to set initial value Col 40-44
Sample fixed station trailer
Used to indicate the end of the fixed stations. If not included in the BLKCORD file there are 0 fixed stations. In this case there should be some other form of positional constraint of Latitude longitude and orthometric height. This can be included in the observations as positon equations or constraint equations
Revised 20 Dec 98 by Mike Craymer