S T D T O 4 :
This Command is used to generate a file of coordinate
records from the adjusted values in the STAtion-DATA-file
(STADATA). The ADJustment-SUMmarY-file (ADJSUMY)
is required to be able to read the file.
The user is requested to enter a file name for the
adjusted coordinates.
The user can then choose to save
- The adjusted coordinates with either adjusted or input elevations
- The code 9 geoid records
- The code 7 Observed astro records
- The auxiliary parameter records
cd \ <== Return to user root directory
cd \data\sudbury <== Go to data directory
STDTO4 <== Create file of adjusted coordinates
- Save Input coordinates - write a copy of the input records
- Save Adjusted coordinates - write a set of adjusted coordinates
- Save Geoid values - writes a copy of input geoid records
- Save Astro coordinates - writes a copy of the input observed astronomic records
- Save Auxiliary parameters
- Write the file
The user can select the records required in the file by choosing in the menu.