Write the Helmert Block partially reduced record set (PRNNEQ)

This procedure is used to write all or part of the reduced normal equations to a coded file. The file is written as a standard GHOST partially reduced normal equation REDNOR /EXCFMT (exchange format)file. The right hand side terms are stored on code 92 records

The program queries the user for either a full or partial dump . A partial dump would be chosen when a set of normal equations have been partially reduced as in a block adjustment.

     cd /data/sudbury   <-- Go to data directory
     PRNNEQ             <-- Execute the procedure
                        The file is stored as REDNOR

Note: This procedure is normally used to recover from a lost or corrupted REDNOR file as produced in a Helmert block adjustment or to produce an EXCFMT file. This will reproduce the same file without redoing the reduction process by abstracting the information from the binary files.