The exchange format was devised to enable the exchange of data between two different organizations with two different programs
There are 3 files that are defined for the exchange
Column contents Definition 1:5 integer Number of unknowns 6:10 integer State of normal equations11:20 integer Cumulative observation count 21:30 integer Cumulative unknown count 31:180 blank
- unreduced
- partially reduced
- fully reduced
- inverse
Note:The number of unknowns refers to the number in the file. The cumulative unknown count refers to the number of unknowns plus all the ones that have been eliminated.
Column Contents Definition 1:2 integer [1]Station coordinate unknowns 3:4 integer Subtype5:6 integer Group number (optional) 7:36 char Identifier
- northing
- easting
- height
37:60 real Latitude, decimal degrees 61:84 real Longitude, decimal degrees 85:108 real Geoid height, meters 109:132 real Orthometric height, meters 133:156 real Astronomic latitude, decimal degrees (Blank if undefined) 157:180 real Astronomic longitude, decimal degrees (Blank if undefined) Column Contents Definition 1:2 integer
- Canadian station number prefixed by an asterisk
- 13 character QIDQSN
Column contents definition 1:5 integer Row number 6:10 integer Column Number 11:34 integer Normal equation element (Only non zero terms required)
Note:this inclues the right hand side as n+1 column number and the partial VtPV in row n+1 for state 1 or 2.
Column contents definition 1:24 real Original diagonal element 25:34 blank
Note:This file contains n records corresponding to the n unknowns in the normal equations