This record is used to establish a distance observation.
COLUMN CONTENT 1-2 Blank 3 Code : 2 4-6 Type used to identify the record with a SIGMA-DISTANCE record 7-15 Number used to identify the observation as originating from the station as identified in the STAtion DATA file 16-30 Originating station name 31-39 Number used to identify the observation as targeting on the station as identified in the STATION DATA file 40-54 Targeting station name 55 Sea level indicator Blank: sea level distance (GHOST reduces it to a marker-to-marker distance using the elevations provided on the coordinate records) Non blank: marker-to-marker distance 56-70 Distance observation in meters 71-80 Standard deviation of the observation in centimeters (Used if the type does not match the previous sigma type from the code 52 record)