This program will create constraint equations for a series of stations.
The user can enter the stations from the terminal or from a file of Ghost coordinate records.
The output can be either to a file and/or to the screen.
The user can enter standard deviations from the terminal or choose the default values of 0.0001 in latitude (m) 0.0001 meters in longitude and 100 meters in ellipsoid height.
The user can either constrain the correction to the latitude, longitude and height (partially reduced normel) or can constrain the latitude, longitude and height value within the input standard deviation (position equation). The first case will always constrain the correction to a coordinate to zero even although the coordinate itself may change from pass to pass. The second case will always constrain the coordinate to within the standard deviation (all things being equal) regardless of the changing coordinate value from pass to pass.
Example cd / <== Go to user root directory cd ghost/data/sudbury <== Go to data directory CNSTRT <== Execute procedure Sample run ---------- Standard deviation for Latitude = 0.10000000E-03 <== Default Values Longitude = 0.10000000E-03 Elevation = 0.10000000E+03 Accept these values [CR] <== User is requested to select Choose new values [C] <== Change Standard deviations File of coordinates [F] <== Enter a file name of Ghost coordinates File for output [O] <== Enter a file name for the output Exit from program [Q] <== Finished with program These constraints may be used to <== User has selected values Constrain a correction to zero [Z] <== Constraint equations Constrain a coordinate value [CR] <== Position equations Enter a station number [CR] Exit 95001 Enter a latitude,longitude,elevation dd.mmss 45.0,45.0,10.0 Enter a station number [CR] Exit <== Program will loop until a C/R The program has now produced the file and returns to wait for further instructions Standard deviation for Latitude = 0.10000000E-03 Longitude = 0.10000000E-03 Elevation = 0.10000000E+03 Accept these values [CR] Choose new values [C] File of coordinates [F] File for output [O] Exit from program [Q] Q <== User has finished with the program End of Cnsrt