This Command is used to divide an adjustment into two blocks. The first block is defined by a polygon and will contain all the data originating from a station lying within the polygon. The second block contains all the rest of the data.
The vertices of the polygon are defined by a series of coordinates, entered in counter clockwise order. The minimum number is two which will define a rectangle with the four corners defined by the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude entered.
The procedure can be executed from GHOST either interactively or batch. For the batch mode a file is created and submitted to the batch queue. The user is queried for the polygon and subdirectories.
The user is queried for a data file or files to block. The procedure will loop and ask for files until a <CR> is encountered. At that stage the data will be divided into two blocks. The user is queried for a subdirectory to store block 1 and block 2. If the sub-directory does not exist, one will be created. Also, if the user does not want to store the data, a <CR> will exit the procedure.
The parent sub_directory will now be ready to initialize the ADJSUMY, STADATA and NUISPAR files using programs READCC and EDTPOS.
The original data file must contain enough data to completely define the interior block as well as any junctions from outside the data. The program recognizes a code 5 or 6 as defining an exterior junction block. These exterior points are maintained as junctions (code 5 or 6) in any block that contains data for the junction.
For each sibling block, code 4 stations are changed to code 5 to define the station as a junction between the blocks. These code 4 as well as any code 5 or 6 are stored in the parent BLKCORD file
The directory will contain the following data.
The program creates the folowing files from the original.
With the VAX directory system a user could store the original data file as well as the BLKPAR file in the current sub-directory and establish two sub- directories. One subdirectory would be used to store the BLOCK1 and OBS1 files and the other to store the BLOCK2 and OBS2 files.
If the process has to be repeated to get a satisfactory size of block, the OBS1 file must be appended to the BLOCK1 file to create the input COMPILE data file.
Sudbury Block12 Block34 Block1 Block2 Block3 Block4 Interactive example: SD @ <== Set directory to user root SD .data.sudbury <== Enter the data directory GHOST <== Make ghost interactive BLOCK <== Execute the blocking procedure $ File for Blocking ? Sudbury <== User enters file $ File for Blocking ? <CR> <== File complete $ Sub-directory for block1 ? Block12 <== Enter directory $ Sub-directory for block2 ? Block34 <== Enter directory sd .block12 <== Divide next level BLOCK $ File for Blocking ? blkcord <== User enters file $ File for Blocking ? intcobs <== User enters file $ File for Blocking ? <CR> <== file complete Enter polygon definition 45,90 47,91 999,999 $ Sub-directory for block1 ? Block1 <== Enter directory $ Sub-directory for block2 ? Block2 <== Enter directory sd [-.block34] <== Divide next level $ File for Blocking ? Blkcord < User enters file $ File for Blocking ? Intcobs <== User enters file $ File for Blocking ? <CR> <== File complete Enter polygon definition 46,90.30 45,90 999,999 $ Sub-directory for block1 ? Block3 <== Enter directory $ Sub-directory for block2 ? Block4 <== Enter directory The user is queried for data files The required files are appended until a <CR> is detected. The user is then queried for the polygon defining the block. When complete the user is queried for a subdirectory to store the two blocks. The procedure may be cycled until the appropriate file size is obtained. END ...