GHOST Hypertext Help
Version 1.0f
Created by Don Beattie
Revised 20 Dec 98, 19 Jan 99, 05 May 00, 08 Nov 00, 18 Oct 01, 2 Feb 06, 20 Apr 13 by Mike Craymer
The GHOST software library includes a number of programs
used in the adjustment of control survey data as well as programs
required to adjust the data using the Helmert block method
of subdividing the network. There are a number of utility
programs that can be used to process the data as well or perhaps some associated tasks.
The data are stored in ASCII files for input, some
binary files during the adjustment process and
listing files for evaluation and of the results.
MapInfo® files can be written to display the coordinates
and observations.
The original GHOST User Documentation (with revisions) is also
available in hypertext format. It provides some more details on using GHOST. Eventually, all
of the information in this original documentation will be combined with this hypertext version.
Until then it is recommended to have a look at the original version, especially if you are new
Input Data
- Parameter Definition Records (BLKCORD File)
- Observation Records (INTCOBS File)
- Introduction & sample records
- Direction records (code 1)
- Distance records (code 2)
- Azimuth records (code 3
- 3D observation record sets (codes 95,91,93,41,92,96,94,97)
- Sigma records for directions, distances & azimuths (codes 51,52,53)
- General Information
Main Programs
Adjustment steps: Run program GHOST or follow separate program steps below
- READCC Define adjustment constants
- EDTPOS Edit GHOST coordinates
- EDTOBS Edit GHOST observations
- PERMIN Compute minimum profile for normal equations
- ADJCLA Normal equation reduction, inversion and solution
- LISRES List adjustment results and perform confidence region analysis
Program VALDEK (validate GHOST records) may be used in place of
programs READCC and EDTPOS if the BLKCORD and INTCOBS files are combined into a single data
file. This method is not used anymore. See the Section 1.2 of
the old GHOST documentation for more information.
Utility Programs
"n/a" indicates help file not available
- BLKINT Extract observations from a file (n/a)
- COMPOS Position difference analysis
- CONAZI Compute station confidence ellipsoids and axis azimuths (n/a)
- CONFEL Confidence region analysis
- CNSTRT Create constraint equations
- DMPNEQ List NORMINV file (n/a)
- ESTPM Analyze and transform coordinates
- EXTRACT Copy a subset of GHOST coordinate records to a file (n/a)
- GEO2GHO Convert GEOLABII® records to GHOST format (n/a)
- GHOST_MI Convert GHOST files to MapInfo® files
- GSRUG Convert between UTM and Geographic
- INDIR Coordinate computations
- LSTEOB List observation file with minimum formatting (n/a)
- LSTPOB List position difference file (n/a)
- PRNNEQ Write partial reduced normal equations
- PROX_SLP Find stations within a radius and check slope
- REDUCE Find loop closures in level network (n/a)
- SCTRANS Convert coordinates between systems (n/a)
- SELSTA Output weighted station files
- SORDIF Compare records (n/a)
- STDTO4 Write coordinate records from GHOST binary file STADATA
- TP9NAM Modify names in Geodop tape9 files (n/a)
- UPDADS Modify ADJSUMY file
- UPDSTA Modify or list STADATA file
- WINDOW Extract coordinates within a polygon (n/a)
- WSADXYZ Convert a weighted station observation set to a position difference data set (n/a)
Helmert Blocking Programs
"n/a" indicates help file not available
- BLOCK Create Helmert blocks
- BAKSOL Back solution
- CHKPAR Check that parent and sibling files match (n/a)
- COMINV Compute Helmert block profile inverse
- COMREL Compute Helmert block reliability terms (n/a)
- LISBLK Sumarize stations belonging to Helmert blocks (n/a)
- SUMREDNOR Sumarize REDNOR files (n/a)
Binary Files
- ADJSUMY Adjustment options and constant values
- STADATA Station coordinates and associated values
- NUISPAR Auxiliary parameter values
- EDITOBS Observation data file
- PRONEQS Normal equation profile index
- NORMEQN Normal equation coefficient and associated values file
- NORMINV Normal equation inverse terms
- OBSREL Reliability terms
Output Listings
- READCC.LIS Selected adjustment options and values
- EDTPOS.LIS Input coordinate values, warnings and errors
- EDTOBS.LIS Input observations, warnings and errors
- PERMIN.LIS Normal equation profile and summary
- ADJCLA.LIS Summary of normal equation passes and coordinate corrections
- LISRES.LIS Adjusted coordinates and observation residuals
- CONFEL.LIS Confidence regions and analysis
- SELSTA.LIS Station adjustment selection
- COMPOS.LIS Compare station differences
MapInfo® Files and Layers
- posit.mid, posit.mif Station coordinate
- astro.mid, astro.mif Astronomic coordinates
- dir.mid, dir,mif Observed direction
- dis.mid, dis.mif Observed distance
- azi.mid, azi.mif Observed azimuths
- ele.mid, eld.mif Observed elevation differences
- gps.mid, gps.mif Observed GPS sets
- iss.mid, iss.mif Observed ISS sets
- dop.mid, dop.mif Observed doppler sets
- peq.mid, peq.mif Observed position equation
- wsa.mid, wsa.mid Weighted station sets
- blk.mid, blk.mif Helmert block junctions
- dirr.mid,dirr.mif Selected direction residuals
- azir.mid, azir.mif Selected azimuth residuals
- disr.mid, disr.mif Selected distance residuals
- eldr.mid, eldr.mif Selected elevation difference residuals
- gpsr.mid, gpsr.mif Selected GPS residuals
- issr.mid, issr.mif Selected ISS residuals
- dopr.mif, dopr.mif Selected Doppler residuals
- peqr.mid,peqr.mif Selected Position equation residuals
- diffm.mid, diffm.mif, diffx.mid, diffx.mif Coordinate difference
- distr.mid, distr.mif Line distortion
- stacov.mid, stacov.mif Station confidence region
- staecov.mid, staecov.mif Elevation confidence region
- lincov.mid, lincov.mif Line confidence region
- linecov.mid, linecov.mif Elevation difference confidence region
- covdif.mid, covdif.mif Station confidence region difference
- covedif.mid, covedif.mif Elevation confidence region difference